Moral story-The Brave Little Ant

Once upon a time, in a field of tall grass and wildflowers, there lived a small ant named Andy. Andy was small, but he had a big heart and a strong will to succeed.

One day, Andy was exploring the field when he stumbled upon a large crumb of bread. The crumb was much larger than Andy, but he was determined to bring it back to his colony. Despite the other ants telling him it was impossible, Andy refused to give up.

With determination and confidence, Andy began to push and pull the bread crumb, inch by inch. It was a difficult journey, but Andy never gave up. He knew that if he kept trying, he would eventually succeed.

After many long hours, Andy finally arrived at his colony with the bread crumb. The other ants were amazed and impressed by his determination and bravery. From that day on, Andy became known as the brave little ant who never gave up.

Conclusion: The moral of the story is that even the smallest of creatures can accomplish great things with confidence and determination. Never let others tell you that something is impossible – with hard work and persistence, anything is achievable.

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